Exhibition: Underground Life Forms

Exhibition: Underground Life Forms

21. April - 07. July 2024, Museum im Bellpark, Luzernerstrasse 21, 6011 Kriens
Project team: Teresa Galí-Izard, Stefan Breit, Bonnie-Kate Walker, Sophia Trumpp, Flore Schärrer

The Chair of Being Alive contributes with "The Garden of the XXI Century in Zürich: Underground Life Forms" to the exhibition “Ramificationat Museum im Bellpark, curated by Céline Baumann with the collaboration of Myriam Treiber. The overall exhibition highlights the potential of ramification as a systemic tool to understand the anatomy of a single plant as well as the structure of landscapes.

We exhibit drawings of plants from the garden with its various underground life forms to show the dormant potentials for transformation of the place.